Free Genealogy Resources of the Descendants of Edward I, "Longshanks" King of England from AD 1239
2. Edward II, King England
Edward II (born 1284, ruled 1307-27), the son of Edward I, was the first English prince of Wales (see Wales ). He was tall and handsome like his father, but he was a coward in battle; and in spite of his father's careful training he had no aptitude for government. His reign was one of disorder and disaster. He continued the war with Scotland that his father had begun. The Scottish leader, Bruce, defeated the English forces in the famous battle of Bannockburn (1314) and compelled Edward to recognize the independence of Scotland. In 1326 the king's enemies planned a widespread revolt. They easily captured the king, and in January 1327 Parliament declared him deposed and set in his place his young son Edward III. Eight months later the deposed king was brutally murdered.