Mildred Elizabeth Joiner born Nov 2, 1923, Adel, Georgia. Married David Wilken Thompson, March 1, 1946. David Thompson was born February 1, 1919, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mildred died Oct 23, 1972, Ft. Belvoir, VA. They had the following children:
1. Sandra Lee, born Feb. 16, 1948, Scott Air Force Base, IL
2. Kristi Lee, born Feb 8, 1951, Scott Air Force Base, IL
3. David Wilken, born April 21, 1952, Biloxi, MS
4. Jeffrey Allen, born June 23, 1954, Wiesbaden, Germany
5. Toni Annette, born Nov 14, 1957, Ft. Belvoir, VA
1. Sandra married John McVicker June 6, 1970, and divorced May 1990. They have 1 child:
· Brandee Lee born Aug 3, 1976, Fairfax, VA.
Sandra remarried Roger Tisdale (born Oct 9, 1949, Clifton, SC) May 20, 1995, Fairfax, VA. Roger has 1 son, Colin Wayne born December 22, 1988, by a previous marriage.
2. Kristi married Orville Dale Rouillard on Oct 9, 1975. They have 2 children:
· Kristian born Aug 21, 1976, Wagner, SD
· Sandrine Isabelle born Sept 12, 1987, Fairfax, VA
Kristian married Patricia Pilla (born May 8, 1977, Long Island, NY) on February 26, 2005 and they have 1 son, Benjamin Joiner born May 10, 2006.
3. David is married and has 5 children.
4. Jeffrey has not married.
5. Toni married Gregory Wyatt on May 20, 1989, and they have 2 children:
· Elizabeth Mildred born Oct 30, 1989, Fairfax, VA
· Daniel born May, 22, 1991, Fairfax, VA
I was searching the web to see about my mother's family and came across your site. My mother's name is Mildred Elizabeth Joiner Thompson, daughter of Jacob Edwin Joiner, Sr. and Cleva Griffin. My grandfather is #194 in your site and my mother is #474.
Looking through you site I noticed you still have my mom as living and nothing further about her and my dad. So, attached to this email, is a paper outlining our family.
If you don't understand any of it, please contact me because I would like to keep my "family" history up-to-date.
Sandy Tisdale