History of:
Theophilus Taylor
Jacob Thomas Taylor
Jared D.Taylor History
Hancock History
Sorensen History
Jacob Hull History
Biographies of Berkeley County West Virginia
from Sterling New York
- William ALBURTIS (1806-1847) Born in Martinsburg, West Virginia, 1806.
Commissioned Second Lieutenant in the Regular Army of the United States,
March 8, 1927. Was engaged against the Seminole Indians in the Seminole
War in Florida, at Fort Brooks on Orange Creek of that State, March 2,
1841. Was made a Captain in 1842 and was killed in action on March 11,
1847, at the storming of Vera Cruz
- Frank Vernon
ALER (1868-?) born Martinsburg, Virginia; attorney, author; Coomes,
Elkins, Faulkner, Lucas, Richardson, Wisner.
- H.L. ALEXANDER, West Virginia State House from Berkeley County, 1927
- George W.
ANDERSON (1839-?) born Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer;
married, 1862, Isabell HAWN; Martin, Troxel.
- George W. ANDERSON — A family group sheet on the Internet shows George
W. ANDERSON married to Margaret CUSTER (born 1823), a daughter of Samuel
CUSTER (1797-bef. 1870) and Mary CRIM (1802-1885), married June 9, 1823,
in Berkeley County, Virginia.
- James W. ARMBRESTER — His family first settled in Back Creek Valley
near Shanghai in Berkeley County. He was elected school commissioner of
Hedgesville District and, together with A. Hunter Walker and James W.
Dillon, planned and executed construction of the new high school building
at Hedgesville. In 1924, he was appointed by Assessor H.E. Johnston to be
Deputy Assessor for the Hedgesville district.
- John Griffith
BAIR (1858-?) born Gerrardstown, Berkeley County, Virginia; educator,
attorney; married, 1886, Miss Mary RAMSEY; Griffith.
- John BAKER
(1769-1823) U.S. Representative from Virginia, 1811-1813; admitted to the
bar and began practice in Berkeley County, Virginia. Died Shepherdstown,
Virginia (now Jefferson County). See
Congressional Biography of John Baker
- Dr. Newton Diehl
(1841-1909) born in Martinsburg, Berkeley County, West Virginia;
physician; married Mary BILLMYER
- Newton Diehl
(1871-1937) born Martinsburg, West Virginia, one of four sons of Newton
Diehl Baker I and Mary (Dukehart) Baker; died December 25, 1937,
Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio; buried in Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland,
Ohio; Mayor, Cleveland, 1912-1916; U.S. Secretary of War 1916-21; Delegate
to Democratic National Convention, 1924; Candidate for Democratic
nomination for President, 1932; Episcopalian; member, Amrican Judiciary
Society. An early leader in Adult Education, he was instrumental in the
founding of the American Expeditionary Force University, Cleveland
College, and the American Association of Adult Education [AAAE]. Married,
1902, Elizabeth LEOPOLD of Pottstown, Pennsylvania; three children,
Elizabeth, Newton D., and Margaret. Baker High School at Columbus,
Georgia, was named for Newton D. Baker. See an
biography at the school's website.
- George T.
BARNES (1829-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer;
married, 1852, Margaret Pitzer; Crown, French
- Thomas E. BARRETT, son of Benjamin And Eloner Barrett of Frederick
County, Virginia; December 4, 1783, in Hopewell, Virginia, married
Elizabeth Thornbrough, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Thornbrough of
Berkeley County, Virginia.
- Thomas E.
BARRETT (1854-?) born in Frederick County, Virginia; farmer; married,
1877, Rachel FRIES; Taylor
- Edward S.
BARTON (1845-?) born in Rockingham County, Virginia; B&O Railroad car
inspector; married, Levina M. YOST
- Dr. George W. BAYLIS, born in Fauquier County, Virginia, and educated
in the rural schools of that county and Union University, Richmond,
Virginia. African-American doctor practiced for 15 years in Berkeley
County, West Virginia. During the flu epidemic, he worked day and night,
but did not contract the disease. Member of the Knights of Pythias and
Masonic Lodge, master of finance for Knights of Pythias, and treasurer for
Blue Ridge Lodge No. 31.
- Alfred
BEALL, born in Baltimore County, Maryland; employed by B∓O
Railroad; married, Mary A. HELFESTAY
- Charles R. BEALL (1879-?) born Berkeley County, West Virginia, on
November 30, 1879; Republican member West Virginia State House of
Delegates, 1915-16, 25-30, 35-36, 39-40, 43-48; United Brethren Church
- Charles Ralph BEARD (1895-?) born at Hedgesville, Berkeley County,
West Virginia, April 23, 1895, son of Edward and Laura (Marsh) Beall;
graduate of Washington and Lee University in 1915, LL.B; admitted to
Martinsburg Bar, 1917; May 8, 1923, married Virginia EMMART, daughter of
Frank S. Emmart, businessman of F.S. Emmart & Son; associated with the law
firm of Martin & Seibert. Entered World War I as First Lieutenant at Fort
Benjamin Harrison Camp and Perry's Camp Custer, 45th Division, in 1917.
- William Shuart
(1819-?) born Berkeley County, West Virginia; married, 1848, Isabella
Cline HORN; Cline, Shuart
- Aaron
BECHTOL born Berkeley Springs (now Morgan County); West Virginia State
Senate, 1863-1865; married Sarah ROACH; Coughlin, Hines, Tritapoe,
- Daniel BEDINGER, born near Shepherdstown, Berkeley County (now
Jefferson County). At 16, he ran away from home and joined a company of
volunteers in the Revolutionary War, where he was captured September 11,
1777, at the Battle of Brandywine. The next year he was exchanged and
rejoined the army at the same rank of Ensign. He was appointed Navy Agent
at Gasport, Virginia, by President Jefferson. When the old frigate
"Constitution" was dismantled he purchased the masts and used them as
pillars in the portico of his house which he built at Shepherdstown. His
home was burned on the order of General Hunter during the Civil war in
retaliation of the burning of the Governor Bradford home in Maryland by
the Confederate forces.
- Major Henry
(1753-1843) born in Little York, Pennsylvania; clerk of the Berkeley
County Court; member of the State House of Delegates
- Joseph V.
BELL (1844-?) born Berkeley County, Virginia, April 10, 1844; in 1866
entered the drug store business in Piedmont and 1869 opened a dry goods
store. In 1870 went into the employ of the West Virginia Central and
Pittsburgh Railroad Company; in 1867-1869 was Assistant Assessor of
Internal Revenue; West Virginia Legislature, 1878 and 1880; 1884 appointed
Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts of Mineral County, West Virginia;
and then reelected City Council and Mayor, Piedmont; married, 1867,
Virginia WOLFF; Babb, Beverstock, Jordan, Rhodes, Roberts, Ward
- George W.
BENDER (1827-?) born in Washington County, Maryland; farmer; married
Rebecca PITZER and Mary Ann SMITH (in 1863); Seidestic
- Harold H.
BENDER (1882-?) born Martinsburg, Berkeley County, West Virginia;
philologist; married, 1924, Amelia Oshcom HETZEL
- I. Lewis
BENDER (1850-1908) born at Bendersville, Pennsylvania; businessman,
orchardist; married Margaret Eleanore (Kline) Bender
- Lee M.
BENDER (1854-?) born in Bendersville, Pennsylvania; builder
- William Stanton
BERT (1862-?) born Greencastle, Franklin County, Pennsylvania; tailor,
businessman and president of the Board of Education, and member of city
council, City of Martinsburg; president of a Sunday School class at First
Methodist Episcopal Church, Martinsburg; Married, 1899, Miss Minnie M.
DIFFENDERFER; Brendle, Burt, Cantner, Good, Houser, Poisal, Rearick.
- David F. BILLMYER, Shepherdstown (now Jefferson County); West Virginia
State House from Berkeley County, 1879
- Charles M.
(1840-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer; married, 1867,
Ann Rebecca FRAVEL; Coffelt, Stuckey
- Josephus BISHOP settled on Back Creek at the old Bishop homestead at
Shanghai and was the father of Charles and Thomas Bishop. Thomas J. Bishop
was a soldier in the Confederate Army and was a farmer living in the upper
regions of Back Creek Valley in Berkeley County. Charles Bishop was the
owner of the old Bishop house which stood 1 mile north of Shanghai and was
said to be the oldest house still standing at the beginning of the
twentieth century in that valley.
- George BLAIR, born about 1789 in Berkeley County, Virginia, was the
fifth of six sons and one daughter of John BLAIR and Susannah EWING. John
was a Revolutionary soldier from Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, and
lived in Berkeley County, Virginia, after his marriage where his first son
was born in 1778. The family moved to Bourbon County, Kentucky, in 1790
and then to Franklin County, Ohio by 1800. John Blair died in Madison
County, Ohio July 1810.
- J.A.
BLONDEL (1847-?) hardware merchant; married, 1873, Clara E. HUBER;
- Jacob S. BOAK was born in Berkeley County, Virginia, in 1839, and was
a Lieutenant of the Jackson Horse Artillery. He entered the Confederate
service in 1861 as a Corporal, promoted to Orderly Sergeant and later to
Third Lieutenant, and served until the end of the war. He was in the
engagement of Two-Mile Creek near Charleston Cross Lanes, Big Sewell
Mountain, Carnifax Ferry, and Fayetteville and was captured at Fort
Donaldson. He was held at Camp Douglas, Illinois, for eight months; later
exchanged. Jacob Boak was at the battles of Gettysburg and Atlea's Station
near Richmond. At Fisher's Hill, his horse was shot out from under him and
eight bullet holes were found in his clothing, several inflicting minor
wounds. Dr. Boak also had three brothers in the Confederate Army. After
the war he studied dentistry and followed that profession in Martinsburg.
He married Kate A. DAVIS in Maryland in 1873 and they had eight children.
Family; Hutchinson
- Hugh BOGGS, son of Hugh Boggs, was born in Londonderry, Ireland;
married Elizabeth HUTCHINSON; settled Back Creek, Berkeley County, about
- Lydia
BOGGS, born Back Creek Valley, Berkeley County, Virginia; married
first, Moses Shepherd, and second, General David Cruger
- John H.
BOLTZ (1820-?) born Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer; married,
1852, Rebecca GRUBER; Anderson, Baughman, Lloyd, Puls
- Clyde C. BORUM was born at Strausburg, Virginia, and moved to Berkeley
County, West Virginia, in 1872. He purchased the Borum farm at Arden and
was a successful farmer there until his death. He was a soldier in the
Civil War, CSA (Confederate States of America). His father was Richard
Borum and his son, C.C. Borum, succeeded his father on the farm, becoming
one of the largest growers of apples in the county.
- Joseph
BOSLER (1838-?) married, 1868, Sarah E., daughter of Thomas Newton and
Margaret (Billmeyer) Lemen, of Berkeley County, West Virginia.
- Norborne Berkeley Baron BOTETOURT (ca. 1717-Oct. 15, 1770) born
England; Colonial governor of Virginia, 1768.
- M. Tucker
BOWEN (1852-?) born Frederick County, Virginia; teacher, commissioner
of revenue, JP; married, 1875, Nanie M. BODEN; Barley
- George Meade
BOWERS (1863-1925) born Gerrardstown, West Virginia; died December 8,
1925 and buried Presbyterian Cemetery, Gerrardstown; West Virginia State
House, 1883-1887; U.S. Representative, West Virginia; member and
treasurer, World's Fair at Chicago, 1893; married, 1884, Miss Bessie C.
GRAY; Blaine, Brown, Daugherty, Gilbert, Grove, Harrison, Lamon,
Maddox, McComas, McKinley, Stump, Ward.
Congressional Biography of George M. BOWERS
- Andrew H.H.
BOYD (1814-1865) born Martinsburg, Berkeley County, West Virginia;
- Belle
BOYD (1835-1900) born Martinsburg, Virginia; author, actress,
Confederate spy, donning maile attire and scouting for the Confederate
Army; Mr. Hardinge; she was a relative of Colonel John E. Boyd Jr. and
attorney Robert H. Boyd. More about Belle Boyd, including a
photo in
West Virginia Archives and Biography.
- General Elisha
BOYD ((1769-1841) born in Berkeley County, Virginia; attorney, member
of Virginia State House; married first Mary WAGGONER, second Ann HOLMES,
third Elizabeth BYRD; Faulkner, Pendleton.
- John E.
born in England; landholder
- Colonel John E.
BOYD, Jr. (1840-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia;
agriculturist, merchant; married, 1868, Mary V. STUART; Mayburry,
- Robert H. BOYD, attorney; educated in Martinsburg city schools and
graduated from Martinsburg High School, Class of 1868; graduate of West
Virginia University, Class of 1902, A.B. degree and Class of 1903, LL.B.;
Martinsburg city attorney under Mayor P.W. Leiter.
- Benjamin F. BRADY, Martinsburg, West Virginia; Berkeley County
Commission, West Virginia State House, 1881, 1882
- Major Samuel
BRADY (abt.
1753-?) born in Berkeley County, Virginia, near Harper's Ferry (now
Jefferson County); frontiersman, scout
- Benjamin F. BRISCOE was the leader of a colony of African-American
people who first settled at Mount Pleasant, 2 miles south of Gerrardstown,
Berkeley County, West virginia. This colony consisted of about 50 folks
gathered from the western section of Virginia in 1866. He was the founder
of the Mt. Pleasant school in that community, where the schoolhouse was
also used as the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church.
- J. Frank BRISCOE was educated at the Mount Pleasant School and was a
"Four Minute Man" in the World War. He was assistant Food Administrator
and was a member of the State Auxiliary Council. He served in the U.S.
Fish Commission under Commissioner George M. Bowers at Woodshole,
Massachusetts. Organized a colored Elks Club, Martinsburg, was a member of
the Mount Pisda Lodge (Masons), and the Knights of Pythias. He was the
secretary and treasurer of the Mount Zion Colored Church and was the
supervisor of employees at Hotel Berkeley for 37 years.
- Jacob H.
BRISTOR (also spelled BRISTER) (1830-?) born in Pennsylvania; teacher,
principal of Grafton Institute, special agent of the B &O Railroad;
married, 1868, Jane B. MOORE
- Ed. C. BROWN was a rural mail carrier for Route No. 6, out of
Martinsburg, for 25 years. His twin brother, John H. BROWN of the Arden
district, was a school commissioner of that district and a candidate for
the office of County Commissioner in the August primary of 1926, but was
defeated by a small majority. Ed. Brown began his working life on a farm
for $1 a month and his board.
- G.S. BRUMBAUGH was born in Dunmore, Shenandoah County, Virginia, in
1843. He served the Confederacy in the Civil war, enlisting in Company K,
7th Virginia Cavalry in Aster's Brigade; he was captured at Pikeside,
Berkeley County, and confined at Fort McHenry and Point Lookout, Maryland,
He was on the last board that went up the James River prior to the
surrender of General Robert E. Lee in 1865. He returned to live in
Berkeley County, being among the few remaining Confederate veterans in
- Henry Payne
BRYARLY born near Darkesville, West Virginia; landowner, farmer;
married Mary EVANS; Nelson, Payne, Scollay, Scullay.
- Samuel Clive
BRYARLY born on farm between Darkesville and Tablers Station, West
Virginia; machinist, landowner; married, 1901, Sabina Lee GRAHAM;
Breneizen, Bust, Glass, Lancaster, Meade, Schendel, Wilson.
- Thomas C.
(1815-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer; married, 1841,
Susan GLASS; Rust
- Daniel
BURKHART, Sheriff of Berkeley County, West Virginia; married Ruth
- Robert Christopher
BURKHART (1839-?) born Darkesville, Berkeley County, Virginia; West
Virginia State Senate, 1899; married, 1866, Susan W. MOORE; Berlin,
Early, Emmert, Flagg, Johnston, Lee, Magraw, Rosenberger, Rummel,
Sheridan, Stewart. A
- John BURNS
(1844-?) born Berkeley County, West Virginia; Confederate soldier, Army,
farmer; married 1886, Mary STUMP; Arden District, Berkeley County;
Bates, Butts, Collis
- B.P.S. BUSEY, minister of the United Brethren Church; son of Mrs.
Benjamin F. BUSEY, a descendant of Martin PITZER
- Samuel
BUSEY (1824-1902) born in Ohio; died Berkeley County; bank president,
farmer; married, 1849, Evelina McKOWN; Henshaw, Walper — see Lori
(Grantham) Bush
- Michael Seibert
BUTLER, M.D.; born in Hedgesville, West Virginia; physician; married
Catherine MYERS; Anderson, Bodarf, Fairfax, Henshaw, Johnson, Kaufman,
Kohpisch, McConnell, Patterson, Seibert, Smith, Snodgrass, Stephen,
- M.K. BUTTS, West Virginia State House from Berkeley County, 1921
- George W. BUXTON owned and operated the first brick plant at
Martinsburg, Berkeley County; was a member of the West Virginia State
House, 1889, and was involved with various enterprises of Martinsburg,
mainly the development of "Greater Martinsburg" by the addition of the
Boom Land; was a Civil war veteran, fighting for the Union Army and
volunteering for a Pennsylvania Regiment at the beginning of that war; saw
service in and around Martinsburg and moved there after the war.
- Harry Flood
(1887-1966) born in Martinsburg, West Virginia, June 10, 1887; son of
Richard Evelyn Byrd and Eleanor Bolling Flood; nephew of Henry De La Warr
Flood and Joel West Flood; father of Harry Flood Byrd, Jr.; moved to
Virginia with family; Virginia State Senate; Governor of Virginia,
1926-1930; newspaper publisher, fruit farmer, U.S. Senator, Virginia;
Democratic candidate for President of the United States, 1932; States
Rights candidate for President of the United States, 1956; Episcopalian;
member Grange, Freemasons, Elks, Moose, United Commercial Travelers; died
in Berryville, Clark County, Virginia, October 20, 1966 with burial in Mt.
Hebron Cemetery, Winchester, Virginia. See
Congressional Biography of Harry F. Byrd. Additional
- Harry Hopkins
(1877-?) born Philippi, Barbour County, West Virginia; attorney; Delegate
to Democratic National Convention from West Virginia, 1928; Assistant U.S.
District Attorney for the Northern District of West Virginia, 1914-22;
Prosecuting Attorney for Barbour County, 1909-1913; Kilmer, Walker,
- Nelson Clifford CALDWELL, born in Berkeley County, West Virginia;
known as "Cliff" Caldwell; B&O railroad detective, resigning to become
jailer and Deputy Sheriff of Berkeley County under Sheriff Charles L.
Stuckey, 1901-05, and Sheriff J.C. McKown, 1905 to at least 1928.
- Henry
CAMPBELL (1820-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer;
- James
CAMPBELL V, orchardist
- Dr. James Pendleton
(1830-?) physician, married, 1853, Mary S. STIER; Baldwin, Burgess,
Gatewood, Gold, Leith, Muir, Shephard, Wood
Family; Casque, Matthaei, Palmer, Schoffstall, Seckman
- Jonas Barrett
CHAMBERLIN, The Rev.; clergyman, businessman; married Miss Maude C.
EARMON; Bane, Barrett, Liller, Martin, Morgan, Sheets, Shirley.
- J.A.
CHAPMAN (1832-?) teacher, farmer; married, 1856, Ella H. PICKING;
Cunningham, Williams
- John
CHESNUT (1826-?) born Bedford County, Pennsylvania; lumberman;
married, 1848, Elizabeth FLORA; Edwards, Simpson
- George A.
(1831-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; county sheriff; married
first, Rebecca CRISWELL; second, Mary E. LINGAMFELTER; third, Sallie J.
OWNES; Porterfield — A family group sheet on the Internet shows
George A. CHRISMAN was married to Mary Eliza LINGAMFELTER (b. 1832),
daughter of John LINGAMFELTER and Mary E. HEDGES (1797-1868), Berkeley,
Virginia. Mary E. HEDGES is shown to be the daughter of Solman HEDGES and
Sarah VINSONHALER, also of Berkeley. The HEDGES are well-known early
settlers of Berkeley County.
- E.E.
CHURCH (1897-?) born at Rutan, Green County, Pennsylvania; married
Mary NOBLE; Riley
- Albert J. CLENDENING — ancestors came from Scotland and settled in
Loudon County, Virginia, and moved west of the Blue Ridge Mountains about
1800. His grandfather, Andrew Clendening, was a soldier in the Mexican
War. An uncle, Abram Clendening, who seved in the Union Army, was klled
inthe storming of Chattanooga, Tennessee. His father, William Clendening,
in addition to serving in the Union Army during the Civil War under
General Sheridan in the Valley of Virginia, was a school commissiner of
Mill Creek District for a number of years.
- John R.
CLIFFORD (1849-?) born in Williamsport, Grant County, West Virginia;
attorney, school principal; married, 1876, Mary FRANKLIN
- S.S. CLINE, West Virginia State House from Berkeley County, 1915
- Alexander
(1846-?) born at Hollytown, Scotland; puddler, businessman, agriculturist,
deputy sheriff, postmaster; married, 1872, Celia CROUCH; Anderson,
Cline, Dunn
- George H.
contractor, builder; married Sarah M. GWILLIAMS; Small, Staley
- William CODY was the grandfather of the famous Indian fighter and
scout, William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill). Tradition has it that he once lived
in Back Creek Valley and hunted and trapped over the mountains and along
the streams of Back Creek, Sleepy Creek and Meadow Branch and along the
banks of the Potomac, the section of Berkeley County, West Virginia, now
included in Morgan County.
- Wilson P.
COE (1829-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer,
stock-raiser; married, 1851, Fannie V. TRENT; Dean, Wilson
- William
COLE (1813-before 1884) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia;
manufacturer, road surveyor, overseer of the poor; married, 1837,
Catherine LEWIS; Miller
- Edward COLSTON (1786-1852) born near Winchester, Virginia; son of
Travers Colston of Richmond County, Virginia, and a descendant of William
Colston, of Bristol, England, a merchant and cavalier in the time of
Charles I. Married (first) Jane MARSHALL, daughter of Charles Marhsall,
and (second) Sarah Jane Brockenbrough. He was brother-in-law of Willoughby
Newton and Charles James Faulkner. Virginia State Legislature; U.S.
Representative, Virginia; Died in Berkeley County, Virginia. See
Congressional Biography of Edward Colston. NOTE: There are some
disparities between sources — see the next biography on Edward COLSTON
- Edward
COLSTON (1788-1851) attorney, state legislature; married first, Jane
- Raleigh
COLSTON, born in England; married Elizabeth MARSHALL
- William
COLSTON (1836-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; attorney,
farmer; married, 1866, Minnie SUMMERS
- William N.
CONFARR (1833-?) born near Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia
(grandfather Michael CONFARR/CONFER and father John CONFARR were born in
Berkeley County, Virginia); Civil War soldier, blacksmith, merchant,
Justice of the Peace, member of the board of education; married Eliza
BICKMORE; Bickmore, Confer, Long, Stimmel, Tildner.
- John R. COOKE (ca. 1787-1854) born in the Bermuda Islands, son of Dr.
Stephen and Catherine (Eston) Cooke; settled in Martinsburg, Berkeley
County, in 1810 to practice his profession (law). Elected to represent
Berkeley County in the Virginia House of Delegates, 1814. Moved to
Winchester, Virginia, then Baltimore, Maryland, and then Richmond,
Virginia. Elected a member of the Constitutional Convention of Virginia,
1830; writer of some note. Died Richmond, 1854, at 67.
- Philip Pendleton
COOKE (1816-1850) born Martinsburg, Virginia, son of John Rogers
Cooke; author and poet in publications such as Knickerbocker Magazine,
Southern Literary Messenger, and Winchester Virginian.
Sketch and some additional information
- Maria COOPER — In the fall of 1854, when the cholera pestilence
visited the Shenandoah Valley, Maria Cooper fell victim to its ravishes.
She left a will bequeathing a large portion of her estate to charitable
institutions, among them an amount for founding an academy at Martinsburg,
Berkeley County, West Virginia, and an institution was incorporated under
the name of Martinsburg Cooper Academy. But the Supreme Court of Appeals
of West Virginia declared the bequest invalid — hence, the institution was
lost to the city.
- John W. CORSEY, born at Bunker Hill, Berkeley County, West Virginia,
June 22, 1859; educated at Storer College, Harper's Ferry, graduating with
the Class of 1887. Was a teacher in the colored schools of the county for
many years; principal of Sumner School, Martinsburg, three terms. Douglas
Grove, a school for colored children, located in the Arden District, east
of Pikeside, was named by him. Through his activities, Sumner School,
Martinsburg, was increased from a one room to a three-room building. Was a
delegate to the Republican Congressional Convention at Parkersburg, West
Virginia, 1888; and was chairman of the Colored Republican rally at
Martinsburg in the second McKinley campaign.
- Mattie E. CORSEY — Teacher in the colored schools of Berkeley County
for 33 years, including the Sumner School in Martinsburg; educated at
Storer College.
- John H. COX (1833-1902) born in Berkeley County, Virginia, November
10, 1833; served in Union Army during the Civil War; member of Missouri
State Senate, 1864-66; died of stomach cancer, Trenton, Grundy County,
Missouri, August 2, 1902; buried at Rose Hill Cemetery, Brookfield,
- Charles M. CRABBE, Martinsburg, Berkeley County; Member of West
Virginia Democratic State Executive Committee, 1949-1953
- Col. William
(1732-1782) born Berkeley County, Virginia; surveyor — A gedcom on the
Internet shows William CRAWFORD was born 1722 in Orange, Virginia, son of
William Valentine CRAWFORD and Honora GRIMES and was married in Berkeley,
Virginia, 1742, to Hannah VANCE, Fayette, Pennsylvania.
- William CREIGHTON, Jr. (1778-1851) born in Berkeley County, Virginia,
October 28, 1788; graduated from Dickenson College, Carlisle,
Pennsylvania, where he studied law. Was admitted to the bar at the age of
20. In 1798, moved to Chillicothe, Ohio, continuing in his profession. Was
the first Secretary of State of the State of Ohio, 1803-08; member of the
Ohio State House, 1810; U.S. Representative, Ohio, 1813-17, 1827-28, and
1829-1833; died October 8, 1851 in Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio. See
Congressional Biography of William Creighton, Jr.
- Kensey B. CREQUE, Sr., born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania; moved to
Ohio for a year, then to Grand Rapids, Michigan, until the Civil War broke
out when he was 17. He joined Company K, Michigan Volunteers and, in the
fall of 1862, was transferred to the 1st New York Lincoln Cavalry as a
Sergeant. Was detailed on Detach Service (Scout Service) in the 18th New
York Regiment in the Valley of Virginia under General Milroy and General
Philip Sheridan. After the war, he made his home there, serving on the
Martinsburg police force as Chief Sergeant under Mayor William Logan and
as Deputy Sheriff and Jailer under Berkeley County Sheriff George
Chrisman. He was a director of the Old National Bank for years.
- Robert L. CRISWELL, World War I soldier, volunteering in the 368th
Aero Squad, Langley Field, Virginia; was Army Field Clerk, G.H.Q. Chamont,
France; horticulturist; had gardens at Arden, Berkeley County. One of his
ancestors, John Shober, born August 17, 1759, was made Clerk of the County
Court or Gentlemen Justice Court of Berkeley County in June 1827.
- David
CROCKETT — Born in Tennessee; died in Texas; lived in Berkeley County
for a time; Gray
- William
CROSFIELD born Strathroy, County Lambton, Province of Ontario, Canada;
educator, businessman; married Mrs. Belle DIEL and Anna HUNT.
- Joseph Benjamin
(1838-?) born in Jefferson County, West Virginia; married, 1868, Hannah E.
LOWERY; Carver, Manor
- James N.
CUNNINGHAM, born in Berkeley County, West Virginia
- Philip S.
(1847-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; married, 1877, Mary
McCALEB; Cisna, Walker
- Robert H.
(1825-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; married, 1877, Mary E.
SWIMLEY; Hayslett
- Philip C.
(1841-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; miller; married, 1874,
Susan L. SEIBERT; Chenowith, Cromwell
- Daniel G.
CUSHWA (1837-?) farmer, owner of flour mill and sawmill; married,
1870, Lewellyn BURKHART; Gibson, Gehr
- Harry S.
CUSHWA, carpenter, contractor, hardware business; West Virginia State
House from Berkeley County, 1889, 1901
- Christopher H. DAILEY, Martinsburg City Council, Fifth Ward, 1925;
Mayor of Martinsburg, West Virginia, 1937
- J.H. DAILEY, druggist at Snodgrass Drug Store on Queen Street,
Martinsburg, Berkeley County, West Virginia.
- James H.C. DAILEY, born in Berkeley County, West Virginia, 1865;
boiler maker for the B&O Railroad company at their shops in Martinsburg.;
married Anna Gertrude BAKER
- James S. DAILEY, sales department of Trammell Hollis, automobile
business; Republican member of West Virginia State House from Berkeley
County, 1923, 1931; candidate for West Virginia State Senate, 1936, 15th
District; 1948, 16th District; alternate delegate to Republican National
Convention, 1944; son of James H.C. Dailey
- Raymond B. DAILEY, clerk in the Citizens National Bank, Martinsburg,
Berkeley County, West Virginia
- John W.
DAILY (1821-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; corn merchant,
grain dealer and farmer; married, Isabella V. McQUILKIN; Curtis, Tabb
- Betty DANDRIDGE, cousin of Colonel John E. Boyd and a daughter of
President Zachary Taylor; lived at Dandrige's Ford, "The Bower," near the
Berkeley and Jefferson county line.
- G.W. DANIELS, Berkeley County; West Virginia State House, 1909
- Albert D. DARBY (1868-?) born in Martinsburg, Berkeley County, West
Virginia, January 22, 1868. His father, Ezra Darby, came from Devonshire,
England, to the Virginia Colony of Jamestown in 1826, and raised tobacco.
Moved to Berkeley County after the Civil War. Albert Darby, after leaving
the public schools, took a position as clerk, the Old National Bank; then
was assistant cashier of the Peoples Trust Company and, when the Bank of
Martinsburg was organized in 1902 by the late John J. Hetzel, was elected
cashier of that institution. He was active in organizing the Adamantine
Clay Products Company works at North Mountain; attended Methodist
Episcopal Church and Sunday School.
- General William
(1736-1801); born Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; raised in Virginia;
delegate to Virginia State Constitutional Convention, 1788; landowner
Berkeley County, Virginia; died Jefferson County, Virginia
- Amelia DAVIS, Martinsburg, Berkeley County; Member of West Virginia
Democratic State Executive Committee, 1945
- Thomas DAVIS, M.D., physician; born in Kentucky and moved to Berkeley
County, West Virginia, in 1820. He practiced medicine for 10 years in
Martinsburg, but gradually allowed his practice to lapse, devoting his
time to literature and history. Went to Natchez, Tennessee, in 1845, but
died there of yellow fever. Founded the Martinsburg Library and supported
it for many years. Represented Berkeley County in the Virginia Legislature
for one term, in 1831.
- James William DEAN, born in Virginia; moved to Berkeley County in 1864
from Maryland where he was a farmer. Helped to build the stone bridge over
Burke Street for the B&O railroad after the Civil War to replace the one
destroyed by the Confederates. Later in life he worked in the B&O machine
shops at Martinsburg as a boilermaker. In 1873 he married Emily SNIDEAL
and had sons, John W. Dean, George R. Dean (in the automobile business in
Brooklyn, New York), J.E.A. Dean (shoe merchant in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania), and William Dean.
- John W. DEAN, son of James William and Emily (Snideal) Dean. When he
was a junior at Martinsburg High School, Berkeley County, West Virginia,
his father died and John W. Dean had to quit school to help support the
family. He was a clerk for 29 years and a traveling salesman for J.H.
Miller & Son wholesale grocers for about 12 years. Started in business for
himself on the Blondell Corner, corner of Queen and Martin Streets in
Martinsburg, under the firm name of Dean-Whitmore-Drewry Company
clothiers; eventually he acquired the entire business and purchased the
building. He was Deputy Assessor under Otho Williams. On February 28,
1901, he married Daisy May SCHILL, daughter of George W. SCHILL, who came
from Maryland and was a businessman in Martinsburg. Their son, John W.
Dean, Jr., was a graduate of the Martinsburg High School Class of 1924 and
attended Carnegie School of Technology at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- William
DEAN born Martinsburg, West Virginia; Sheriff, Berkeley County;
Malone, Minick, Snodeal, Sullivan.
- Bennet M. DeHAVEN was in the mercantile business and was a contractor;
married Miss Daisy BISHOP; five children: two of whom were teachers in the
public schools: Sula DeHaven and Virginia (DeHaven) Stuckey; Elizabeth
DeHaven attended Shepherd College; sons Leslie DeHaven was with the O.M.
Ramsey Furniture Company and Levi with Ford Sales in Martinsburg.
Ancestors Samuel DeHaven, Peter DeHaven, and William DeHaven came to
American with General LaFayette in the Revolutionary War. They loaned the
American government $400,000, according to General Washington's records. A
distant ancestor was William DeHaven, who lived in Frederick County,
Virginia. B.M. DeHaven's father was Jackson DeHaven and his uncle, Alex
DeHaven, was a soldier in the Confederate Army.
- Gene DIAMOND, Mayor of Martinsburg, West Virginia, 1973-1975
- Charles E.
DICK, county commissioner of Berkeley County, West Virginia; father
Robert W. DICK (1853-1919)
- Greenberry D.W.C.
(1840-) born in Washington County, Maryland; farmer; married, 1842, Mary
- David
DODD, moved from Clearspring, Maryland, to Berkeley County, West
Virginia, 1851; barn builder; Poince, Williamson
- David Henry
DODD, teacher, principal, county superintendent of schools
- Colonel John W.
DODD (?-1923) auctioneer, assessor, hotel proprietor; married Georgia
JEFFERSON; Berkeley County Delegate to Democratic National Convention from
West Virginia, 1912, 1920
- S. Lowell
DODD, agriculturist; son of Samuel L. DODD; grandson of David DODD
- Samuel L.
DODD, farmer, teacher, county superintendent of schools, deputy
assessor, Berkeley County
- Martin L.
DORN (1830-?) born Albany, New York; tailor; married first, 1850,
Rebecca KING; second, 1866, Miss ROBINSON; Mesner, White
- Harry Allen
DOWNS (1886-?) born Martinsburg, West Virginia; Virginia State House,
1921; attorney; married, 1920, Mrs. Ethel Boyer LEMEN; Albright, Cookus,
Dayton, Evans, LeFevre, Orcutt, Orr, Sites, Seibert, Sperow, Swimley,
Tonkin, Van Metre
- Harry E. DUGAN, West Virginia State Senate from Berkeley County,
- Frank Campbell
DUNHAM born Darkesville, West Virginia; businessman; married Miss
Elizabeth MILLARD; Crook, Crout, Pine.
- George Franklin EVANS, born in Berkeley County, Virginia, February 13,
1848, is descended from an old Virginia family, and was educated in the
common schools; laborer, machinist, B&O railroad; tobacco farmer;
Martinsburg postmaster, 1884; member of West Virginia State House,
1881-1885; Chairman of the Republican State Convention at Parkersburg,
- Henry Clay
EVANS (1844-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer,
merchandiser; married, 1874, Anna Bell BARNEY; Poisal, Stuckey, Walker
- James W.B.
EVANS (?-1918) son of Tillotson Evans and Mary Ann (Orr) Evans;
teacher, deputy sheriff
- John
EVANS II, son of John Evans I; farmer, married Polly VanMETRE
- Polly VanMetre
EVANS, daughter of Abraham VanMetre; married John EVANS II
- Willis F.
EVANS, educator; married, 1902, Mable Claire TOWNSEND
- John W.
EVERHART (1823-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; postmaster,
farmer; married, 1845, Catherine KERNS; Keys, Siler, Smith, Wheeler
- Charles James
FAULKNER Sr. (1806-1884) born Martinsburg, Virginia; U.S.
Representative, Virginia and West Virginia; married, 1833, Mary Wagner
BOYD; Boyd, Cameron, Cromwell, Chenowith, Ely, Hawkins, Hunter, Holmes,
Mackey, Mason, McGraw, Morgan, Murray. See
Congressional Biography or a
biography of Charles J. Faulkner, Sr.
- Charles James
FAULKNER, Jr. (1847-1929) born Martinsburg, Virginia; buried Old
Norbourne Cemetery, Martinsburg; U.S. Senator, West Virginia; Married,
1869, Sallie WINN and 1894, Virginia Fairfax WHITING; Wise. See
Congressional Biography or a
biography of Charles J. Faulkner, Jr.
- Elisha Boyd
FAULKNER (1841-1917) born near Martinsburg, Virginia; West Virginia
State Legislature; married, 1868, Miss Susan Campbell; Buckner, Boyd.
See second
biography of E. Boyd FAULKNER.
- James
FAULKNER (1776-1817) Arnaugh, Ireland; businessman, soldier; married,
1803, Sarah MACKEY
- Mary Boyd
(?-1894) married, Charles James FAULKNER
- Elvina V. FAWVER, Martinsburg, Berkeley County; West Virginia
Republican State Executive Committee, 1949
- George W.
FEIDT, born in Washington County, Maryland; teacher, farmer, attorney
- Samuel Showalter
FELKER born near Greencastle, Pennsylvania; businessman, JP; married
Alice Virginia Shipper; Kilmer, Manown, Robinson, Shaffer, Showalter,
Stuckey, Zentmeyer.
- B.H. FELLERS, born at Vanclevesville, Berkeley County, West Virginia;
member of the 8th New York Cavalry in connection with General George B.
Meade and saw service in the Battle of Gettysburg. He was present the
night General Philip Sheridan stopped in Martinsburg at the Everett House,
a famous hostelry in those days, and notified Sheridan that he was wanted
at his army headquarters at Winchester since his army was in danger. Two
Berkeley County soldiers serving in different armies and each in the scout
service brought about the Battle of Cedar Creek — Robert C. Burkhart being
the one to advise General Early to make the attack and B.H. Fellers the
one to inform General Sheridan of the danger of his army.
- George FERRELL (?-1881) Hedgesville, Berkeley County; West Virginia
State House, 1881; died while in office
- Wallace L. FILES (1926-?) born at Martinsburg, Berkeley County, West
Virginia, February 19, 1926; served U.S. Army, WWII, barber, Republican
member West Virginia State House, 1st District, 1967-70, 1973-74; member
American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Elks, Moose
- Reuben FINE (1892-?) born at Martinsburg, Berkeley County, West
Virginia, March 6, 1892, son of Louis and Julia (Wolf) Fine; attorney;
graduate of West Virginia University, class of 1913, degree of LL.B.;
admitted to the Bar in 1913; member of the American Bar Association and of
the Berkeley Bar Association.
- Harry M.
FISHER born Martinsburg, West Virginia; jeweler; married Miss Kate May
League; Barrick, Chamberlain, Smurr, Couchman, Wilen.
- James B.
FISHER, born in Fulton County, Pennsylvania; businessman, store owner,
Martinsburg; Beck, Herring, Hoffman, Pitzer, Vanmetre
- Michael FITZGERALD — emigrated from Ireland to America (Indiana), took
government land and became a farmer; volunteered for service in the Union
Army in the spring of 1861, serving in the 11th Indiana Regiment and
fighting under General Lew Wallace during the Civil War. He was a scout
after the Civil War and did duty in the Black Hills and in the far west.
He personally knew General George A. Custer and warned him of the close
proximity of the Indians and their large number before the Little Big Horn
massacre, but his warning wasn't heeded. His first visit to Berkeley
County was during the war when his command encamped for several days on
Berkeley Place. He liked the area so well that when the war was over he
moved to the county and settled in Martinsburg. He knew Major McKinley
(later President) at the battle of Anteitam. The night of President
Lincoln's assassination he was detailed to guard duty at the White House.
He had two sons, Maurice Fitzgerald, who was a foreman at Interwoven Mills
in Martinsburg, and J.P. Fitzgerald, freight conductor for the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad and a member of the Holy Name Society of the Catholic
- Josiah FLAGG was sixth in descent from Thomas Flegg (original
spelling), ancestor of the Flagg family, who emigrated from Norfolk
County, England, under Richard Carver, governor of Massachusetts Bay
Colony, in 1637. Josiah Flagg inherited the grant of land situated at "Flagg"
Mill, at Flagg's Crossing, east of Martinsburg, from his wife, Margaret,
who was the duaghter of John Shively, who obtained that land from Thomas,
Lord Fairfax of Greenway Court, in 1755. Josiah Flagg operated a mill
located on Tuscarora Creek 1 mile east of Martinsburg for many years. It
was build in 1800 and at one time, a large distillery and barrel plant was
also operated there. The Hon. Alexander Parks, of Martinsburg, operated
this mill for several years under the name of Enterprise Mills. He bought
the property from the Flagg estate in 1885. On October 13, 1926, he sold
that site with 14 acres of land adjacent, to the B&O Railroad. The brick
in the old Flagg family home, which was owned in 1928 by Mrs. Sally B.
Harrison, Josiah Flagg's great-grandchild, was brought from England as
ballast in ships.
- Eli FLEMING, Little Georgetown, West Virginia State House from
Berkeley County, 1872-1873
- W.H.H. FLICK was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, February 24, 1841, and
was educated in the country schools, one term at Garfield School at Hiram,
Ohio; entered the Union Army of the Civil War, July 1861, 41st Ohio
Regiment; wounded at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. Taught school; graduated from
Cleveland Law School, 1865; moved to Moorfield, West Virginia, and
practiced law there for two years; moved to Pendleton County, West
Virginia, and served two terms in the Legislature from that county;
appointed to fill the unexpired term of Prosecuting Attorney of Grant
County, West Virginia; moved to Martinsburg, Berkeley County, 1874; was a
candidate for Congress, Second Congressional District, West Virginia, in
1886, but lost by 90 votes. Practiced law in Martinsburg until his death.
- Charles W.
(1850-?) born Hampshire County, West Virginia; teacher, merchant; married,
1874, Agnes MORE; Myres, Whittington
- Peter
FOREMAN (1833-?) born Cumberland County, Pennsylvania; farmer; married
1859, Mary MEHAFIE; Sanderson, Sevres
- Nat T.
FRAME (1877-?) considered a modern leader of achievement in the field
of agriculture in West Virginia; Martinsburg businessman of manufacturing
and distributing horticultural supplies, in partnership with John W.
Stewart. Boomer, Colhan, Hart, Little, Overton, Silver, Stewart
- Jacob M.
FRENCH (1828-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer;
married, 1855, Mary C. ELLIS; Jacques, Myers, Rickard
- Joseph D. FRY, West Virginia State House from Berkeley County, 1937
- Aaron
FULK (1826-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer; married,
1852, Ellen N. SMURR; Bretcher, Randall
- George W.
FULK (1854-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer; married,
1880, Martha BYERS; Smurr, Wilhelm.
- Henry C.
FULK (1830-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer; married,
1856, Anna E. MARTIN; Nicely, Quetzer
- John H.
FULK (1853-?) born in Berkeley County, West Virginia; farmer; married,
1875, Catherine TELLERS; Oliver, Smurr