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Ancestors of Hiram Doye Taylor


384. William Hancock Jr.

William participated in the rebellion against English taxation in 1673. He was arrested and charged with unlawful gathering. He said during his trial that he was at the gathering, but did not know who had told him about the gathering. He was a member of the Surry Militia in 1687.

26. William4 Hancock Jr. (William3, Simon2, William1) was born in Lower Norfolk, Virginia 1674. William died 1730 in Bath, Craven, North Carolina, at 56 years of age.

He married twice. He married Elinor D. Durant in Carteret, North Carolina, BEF. 1712. Elinor was born in Albemarle, North Carolina January 14, 1688/89. Elinor died AFT. 1730 in Craven, North Carolina. At 23 years of age. Elinor became the mother of Hector Hancock in Carteret, North Carolina, August 2, 1712. He married Elizabeth Spencer in Virginia, ABT. 1693. Elizabeth was born in Lower Norfolk, Virginia ABT. 1672. Elizabeth died Deceased. Elizabeth became the mother of William Iii Hancock Captain in Albemarle, Virginia, 1694. At 20 years of age William became the father of William Iii Hancock Captain in Albemarle, Virginia, 1694. At 38 years of age William became the father of Hector Hancock in Carteret, North Carolina, August 2, 1712. William Hancock Jr. and Elizabeth Spencer had the following child:
+ 46 i. William Iii5 Hancock Captain was born 1694.
William Hancock Jr. and Elinor D. Durant had the following child:
+ 47 ii. Hector Hancock was born August 2, 1712.

385. Elizabeth Spencer

From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.

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Georgia Statewide Genealogy Resources:

The Story of Georgia and the Georgia People, 1732 to 1860

Historical Collections of the Georgia Chapters Daughters of the American Revolution. Vol. 2: Records of Richmond County, Georgia

Parts of this web site produced 17 Oct 1999 by
Personal Ancestral File, a product of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Copyright 1999 - 2010 by John R. Taylor


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