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John Taylor (1812-1896)
& Eleanor Burkett (1815-1905)

As copied by Susan Holley Jackman from the records of my Grandfather Horace Holley, son of Amanda Jane Knight, daughter of Sarah Elisabeth Taylor, daughter of John

Note from Susan Holley Jackman: There are many gross errors in this history. I will share it as it was recorded in my grandfather's records but with corrections in parenthesis. I do this in case there are other descendents who have shared these misleading stories with others in the hope that the truth will prevail. Please keep in mind that many of these pioneer stories were never written down until they had been passed on a generation or two. Most were based on truth but with occasional distortions in detail!

John Taylor was born in Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, 7 December 1812. He was the oldest of 14 children. His parents came from Carlisle, England, his wife Eleanor Burkett, was born in England. (This is grossly mistaken as his father was born in Edgecombe, North Carolina and his mother was born in Virginia. His wife Eleanor Burket was born 3 July 1815 in Fort Hamilton, Ross Township, Butler, Ohio and is of German descent; her great grandfather having emigrated in 1751.)

There is a coincidence that I will relate here. Sarah Best, wife of Joseph Taylor, and Catherine Best, Wife of John Smith, who were sisters came with their parents from England. Their mother died soon after their arrival in America. After her death, the girls were hired out, while yet quite young, and they became separated, not knowing each others John Taylorwhereabouts. After years went by, destiny brought their families together and their grandchildren married, not knowing that they were cousins until their family was grown and a relative in England on a mission was searching genealogy and traced the relationship. (This information is also incorrect. Someone in the family has drawn conclusions based on limited information. Although we may not have documentation for the birth of Sarah Best, wife of Joseph Taylor, we do have recorded in the Bible of George Burket Junior (born 1788) the following record: "my father George my mother Caterine the daughter of Peter Swoveline who's family also came from Germany. Their childred: George born 18 Oct 1788 at Bedrod, Bedford, Penn. I married in 1810 Sarah Jane the daughter of John Smith, who's family came from Germany and Catherine Best, who's family came from the Netherlands. Catherine, Sarah, Soloman, Jacob, Isaac who married Catherine Miller." I personally have researched the Burket family for the past 8 years and can tell you that the German heritage of this family is WELL DOCUMENTED and can be found on my web site 'Israel Burket and his Descendants at The German/Dutch Bests spelled the name Betz in many church and local census records.)

John's father, William Waren, (I have no documentation for the source of this middle name, however; John had a brother William Warren) moved to Mo. In 1831. He joined the Mormon church in Monroe County and the same year followed immigrants into Jackson County, Missouri. He remained there until driven out in 1835, when he settled at Farr West, Caldwell County, Missouri. He was later driven from there and started west for Nauvoo with the Saints. He was taken sick with a fever near Warsaw, Illinois and died. John's mother and 14 children continued their journey into Nauvoo, where they remained until the exodus of 1846, passing through a great many hardships. They settled on a large farm. The mother had no relatives to whom she could turn but she bravely toiled to keep her family together. When driven out of Nauvoo, they went to Council Bluffs for the winter, afterward crossing the plains with her large family and settled in Kaysville, Davis County, Utah. There they lived until the family were all grown. John's mother died at age 89 (other records show 87) on 25 October 1880 at their son Pleasant Green's home.

John Taylor was married to Eleanor Burkett about 3 April 1834 near Clay County, Missouri (Early Church Membership records show Liberty, Jackson, Missouri.) He was a personal friend of Joseph Smith and Hyrum, acting as a body guard for the prophet. He was taken to prison several times for defending the prophet and Hyrum, and while there endured many hardships, such as hunger, thirst and cold. At one time he was in prison for 6 months. During this time his daughter Sarah was born. One day his wife met the prophet on the street and asked him if he had any idea when John would be released and the prophet replied that John could walk out of that prison as easy as he could turn his hand (going through the motions) and at that moment the spirit of prophesy came to John Taylor and pointed out the way for deliverance. That afternoon the prison caretaker had gone away, leaving his wife in the care of the prison. While she had her back turned standing ironing, the door came open and John, removing his shoes, walked out of the prison without being noticed and passed by a large blood hound lying asleep, chained by the door. He carried his shoes and ran through the snow for 15 miles to the Mississippi River and crossed on the ice (Another account formerly in possession of Emma Knight Furness of the same incident says, and I quote: 'He had on a pair of old shoes and socks and walked through snow for fifteen miles to the Mississippi River and crossed on the ice and just after he stepped on the opposite side of the river the ice gave way, thus he was protected from the mob.' That same account records that John was hand-cuffed by the officer that arrested him and placed on a Jackass with his legs tied under the animal's belly. 'The officer, riding a fine steed, started off, leaving the jackass and his burden to follow. The officer and horse went very fast and the jackass, disgusted at being left behind turned about and started in the opposite direction. When the officer discovered this, he sped back and turned jack and John the other way and there after rode in the rear so as to make sure of landing his prisoner safely at his destination. While confined in prison a short time he endured many tortures such as cold, hunger and thirst and on another occasion he was taken to prison for his cause and confined in jail for six months.') Just as he stepped on the opposite shore, the ice gave way, thus protecting him from the mob. After he had gone a short distance, he met a dear friend, Brother Morely. They were so happy to meet again that they fell on each others necks and wept for joy. When John arrived at Brother Morley's home, his feet were frozen and swollen so bad that he had to remain there for a few days before going on home. John's wife was one of the first to join the Relief Society at Nauvoo. Both John and his wife, Eleanor, received patriarchal blessings at the hands of Hyrum Smith on 7 November 1841.

At one time he and his wife went up Black River for many months getting out lumber for the Nauvoo Temple. In 1845 there were 36 families that left Nauvoo for Texas, including John and Family. They took up farming and remained there until 1854, when they left everything and went to Oklahoma. There they stayed for two years to make arrangements for their long journey west.

They started for Utah 12 June 1856 and arrived in Salt Lake Valley 15 June 1857. They owned their own Company consisting of 10 children, 2 wagons, 12 yokes of oxen, one horse, 12 cows and a few young stock. They had but one accident on the way. One of their twin babies, who was left in the care of his small sister, was accidentally dropped from the wagon, the wheel running over his head. Through faith and prayer he was healed and grew to be an old man.

After arriving in Salt Lake City they came on to Ogden and settled in Bingham Fort, living in the Fort for protection from the Indians. They moved from there to Slaterville, then sometime later, while on their way to Salt Lake City to receive their endowments, they stopped overnight with some old friends who it seems had been offended through some mistreatment by some church members and they talked John and wife into leaving the church and joining the Josephites. Soon afterward, they moved to Montana where they remained for a number of years.

In his later years, they moved back to Plain City. Most of his older children remained true to the faith but the younger children never were baptized while young. John Taylor and wife Eleanor had a family of 12 children. (Thirteen-the oldest two were twins; Alma K and Eleanor. Eleanor died at birth on 6 March 1835.)

John Taylor died in Plain City on 7 February 1891 (should be 1896). His wife Eleanor Burkett Taylor died at Plain City 11 June 1905.

This is the end of the history as my grandfather had it recorded. Following is information that I have gathered as a researcher:

John Taylor joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 30 June 1834 (1832) in Missouri. He endured the persecutions in Missouri before being exiled to Illinois. John, along with Lyman Wight and George Miller, obtained the lumber from the Wisconsin pineries to build the Nauvoo Temple and the Nauvoo House. He accompanied Lyman Wight to Texas in 1845 and remained there until 1850. John then moved to Utah, where he worked as a farmer in 1854 (1853). He was baptized a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in October 1863 at Ogden Valley, Weber, Utah, by Alexander McCord. He was ordained a teacher and an elder.

Source: Saints' Herald Obituaries, 1896, p. 128 Black, Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: 1830-1848, 42:753 Esshom, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, p. 1202 Wiggins, Mormons and Their Neighbors Immigrant Ship Lists, 1840-1860 Smith, Nauvoo Social History Project Early Reorganization Minutes, 1872-1905, Book D Early Reorganization Minutes, 1872-1905, Book H I have, in my possession, a copy of a letter from the Church Historian's office in Salt Lake City and signed by Leo Hawkins and George A. Smith. I held the original in my hands at the Church Archives in Salt Lake City over 10 years ago. It was filed under John Taylor 'not the Prophet.' Following are its contents:

In 1833 at the time of the destruction of the Printing Press in Independence, Jackson Co. the printed sheets of the Book of Commandments and the ---- type and press were thrown in an old log stable by the mob. I asked Bishop Partridge if I might go and get out some copies of the Book of Commandments. He said id would most likely cost me my life if I attempted it. I told him I did not mind hazarding my life to secure some copies of the commandments. He then said I might go. I ran my hand into a crack between the logs and pulled out a few at a time until I got as many as I could carry, when I was discovered. A dozen men surrounded me and commenced throwing stones at me and I shouted out 'Oh my God must I be stoned to death like Stephen for the sake of the word of the Lord.' The Lord gave me strength and skill to elude them and make my escape without being hit by a stone. I delivered the copies to Bishop Partridge who said I had done a good work and my escape was a miracle. These I believe are the only copies of that edition of the Book of Commandments preserved from destruction.

Historians Office, Great Salt Lake City April 15, 1858 John Taylor In presence of Leo Hawkins Geo. A. Smith (original signatures of the above) John Taylor and Eleanor (Burket) his wife were living with her parents, George Burket and Catherine (Smith) in June 1834 when Zion's Camp dispersed as they camped on George Burket's field. John's wife Eleanor was a practical nurse and used her skills on behalf of the sick at that time. From the records of Emma Knight Furness: 'They (the Burkets) were some of the first to receive the Gospel and their home sheltered many of the servants of God in early days and at the time when so many had the Cholera. Their house was open and filled with the afflicted. The Prophet Joseph Smith said to George Burket, "Brother Burket, if you will take the sick into your home I'll promise you, in the name of the Lord, that not one of your family, under your roof, will take the dreadful disease." His prophecy was fulfilled for there were fifteen patients died in their house and these grandparents waited on and nursed so many, but not one of their family took it and it can be well said of them that they both died good and faithful Saints and true to their religion.... John Taylor did the digging of the graves for those who died of the dreadful disease (all of whom were buried on George Burket's land).'

End of John Taylor Historical Data Submitted by Susan Jackman 5 July 2003

From “Family History of the Joseph Taylor, Jr. and Sarah Best Family”
By Shari H. Franke

John Taylor was born 5 December 1812 near Richardsville, Warren, Kentucky. He married on 8 April 1834, Eleanor Burkett, at Liberty, Clay, Missouri. John and Eleanor led an adventuresome life. According to the Journal of John's brother-in-law, Hosea Stout, John and Eleanor went to Texas in 1844 (after the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith) with the Lyman Wight settlement. They also lived in Oklahoma apparently, according to the birthplaces for some of their children. They raised livestock. It is said that John was good friends with Zachary Taylor, and with Governor Sam Houston. He came to Utah in the summer of 1854, according to Hosea Stout. He then went to Montana and tried his hand at gold mining. He eventually moved back to Utah and settled at Plain City, Weber, Utah, which is west of Harrisville. He resided there until he died on 7 February 1896. Both he and Eleanor were buried at the Ogden City Cemetery, Weber, Utah.

Eleanor Burkett was born 2 July 1815 at Butler, Ross, Ohio. She was the daughter of George Burkett and Sarah Jane Smith. She had 13 children, with two sets of twins. She died 11 June 1905 at Plain City, Weber, Utah.

John Taylor and Eleanor Burkett's children were: Alma K. (a twin), Eleanor (stillborn twin daughter), Teancum, Joseph Moroni, Sarah Elizabeth, Mary Eleanor, John Ammon, Hyrum, Eliza Jane, William (twin), Lucinda Minerva (twin), James Henry and Amanda Rosina.



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Georgia Statewide Genealogy Resources:

The Story of Georgia and the Georgia People, 1732 to 1860

Historical Collections of the Georgia Chapters Daughters of the American Revolution. Vol. 2: Records of Richmond County, Georgia

Parts of this web site produced 17 Oct 1999 by
Personal Ancestral File, a product of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
updated 1 February 2025

Copyright 1999 - 2010 by John R. Taylor


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