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John R. Taylor

From Adel, Georgia

John R. Taylor was born to John R. Taylor, Sr. the younger brother of Hiram Doye Taylor, and Nancy Jo Shaw. John R. was physically abusive to Nancy Jo and she left him out of fear. Knowing John R. would follow her if she had the baby she gave John R. Taylor Jr. to Hiram Doye Taylor when the infant was two months old.  Doye kept John and raised him as his own son. He was later adopted by Doye's wife Helen Holloway Taylor. She had his named changed from John R. Taylor Jr. to Johnny Ray Taylor, although he was known by John his entire life.

John married Sonya Powers. They had three children, Stephanie, Jacob and Sarah. The marriage ended in divorce. John married Julie Stubbs Sheppard. There were no children from the marriage   and the marriage ended in divorce. John married Kristine Gillespie LeMay.  

Taylor Family: A Brief History of Adel, Cook County, Georgia

The following is a history written in 1930.  It is interesting for the history it presents as well as the insight it provides into the perspectives the people of that time had.

TERRITORIAL BOUNDARIES In presenting the history of Cook County, it is essential that we know something of the territory from which it was created. Irwin County was created in 1818, surveyed in 1818 and 1819 and the people began to draw the land about 1820. Irwin County originally contained sixteen land districts; four small ones on the north side, nine large ones in the middle and three small ones on the south side covering to the Spanish border (or Florida line). The Four small districts on the north lay broad side to the Ocmulgee River. The nine central districts of original Irwin contained four thousand seven hundred and sixty one 490 acre lots of land. "Old Irwin" was surveyed first from east to west by Broodnax and from north to south by Johnson. Original Irwin cornered northwest of Sylvester, Ga., on the Flint River. The northeast corner was a little above where the present town of Ocilla, Ga., now stands, the southeast corner at Irwin Lakes below Valdosta and the southwest corner is southwest of Thomasville, Ga., on the Florida line.
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Taylor Family: Taylor Photos 2000 and later


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Georgia Statewide Genealogy Resources:

The Story of Georgia and the Georgia People, 1732 to 1860

Historical Collections of the Georgia Chapters Daughters of the American Revolution. Vol. 2: Records of Richmond County, Georgia

Parts of this web site produced 17 Oct 1999 by
Personal Ancestral File, a product of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
updated 19 February 2025

Copyright 1999 - 2010 by John R. Taylor


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