Taylor Family Free Genealogy Site
What's new:
Ancestral lines of
Elizabeth Spencer, the wife of William Hancock, as far back as AD
850. Theses are the ancestors of the Taylor's of
South Georgia. The
lines run through
Helloe, Countess Of Beulac,
Rollo Thurstan Brico or Bigod, and others.
Check out this new free resource!
- Descendants of Robert Taylor of Clatterwich Cheshire England -Descendants of William Taylor & Sarah Garrett Foster born about 1749 in
Virginia - Bios of
Jacob Thomas Taylor and Jared D. Taylor .
Also, we have a newly indexed pedigree with over 55,000
names. A number of these lines go back to before 900 AD. Just added bio of William Taylor 1787-1839
and bios of John Taylor & Eleanor
we have:
All our genealogical data we freely share at no cost to the user.
Our site does link to commercial sites such as
Ancestry.com, Genealogy.com,
One Great Family, and others that do charge for their products.
Nevertheless, all our genealogy resources are free. You can find names
by searching all our databases at
the Genealogy Search Site;
however, if you don't find the name you are search for, we may still
have data on that name. We are working on a bug, that causes our search
engine to miss names which have been recently added or edited. If our
search engine doesn't return the name you are looking for, try browsing
our surname
We have two major Taylor lines both ending with
a Robert Taylor. These are different Robert Taylors. One married
Lucinda Sapp (daughter of RV
Levi Sapp) on
6 Jan 1843 in what is today
county Georgia. This
Robert Taylor
is believed to have come from
Dodge county Georgia.
The other
Robert Taylor was
from Marion SC and may have been born sometime around 1780 (he had a
son born on 14 Jan 1881). He was married to
Mary (Taylor). They had at least one
known child, a son named
William Jackson
Taylor Sr. William married
Samantha Jane Rogers and they had seven
known children. William Jackson Taylor also married Mary Ford on 30 Nov
1865. They had three known children. Please email us with additional
information you have ether of these Robert Taylors or Levi Sapp. We
also have a
Robert Newsom Taylor, M.D. from Pulaski County, Georgia.
At this site we have genealogy (family history)
for Hancock or Hancocke family from 1525. This Hancock family descended
from Thomas
Hancock(e) who was born about 1525 in St. Mary Woolnot, London,
London, England. One of his descendants, a
William Hancock
came to America in 1619. He was a member of The Virginia
Company Of London which was created by King James I for the purpose of
colonizing in America. The first settlement was established at
Jamestown in 1607. As an investor in the Virginia Company, William
traveled to Jamestown in 1619. He was a member of a group that founded
Berkeley Hundred. On 22 March 1622 the settlement was attacked by
Indians and William, along with many others, was massacred. Shortly
after 1630, three of William's sons came to America. Augustine, Simon
and William became prominent planters in Virginia and established a
family line that today includes many thousands of their descendants.
From Virginia, their descendants migrated throughout the southeastern
and midwestern states and today are living in all parts of the country.
Simon Hancock had a son named
William, (this line had many Williams and Simons) One of this
William Hancock lines moved to Craven
Co. North Carolina and then on to Lowndes, Berrian, Colquit and Cook
counties of Georgia.
Mary Jane
Hancock the daughter of
Elder Littleton
Albritton Hancock married
Day Taylor. These Hancock's also married into the Joiner, Ivey,
Hall, Jones, Dearham, Spencer families to name a few. In This line
there is also a
Hector Hancock who had a great
granddaughter named
Elizabeth Hancock who married
John Hardison Redd
in North Carolina. this family joined the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints and went west with that body. Elizabeth Hancock died
28 Nov 1853 in Spanish Fork, Utah, Ut and was buried 1853 in Spanish
Fork, Utah, Utah. We would like any information on the Thomas Hancocke
of St. Mary Woolnot, London, England.
We also have genealogy (family history) for the
Peacock family.
William Peacock of Virginia is the
progenitor of this family. Some of the descendants moved to North
Carolina and then on to Georgia. First Washington county then Wilkerson
and Dodge.
There are links to the
Descendants of Adam Wagnon,
Descendants of Reuben Lindsey,
of the John Taylor family,
of Adelicia
Princess of BRABANT,
Morrell Ancestral Records,
Descendants of Isabel (Elizabeth)
Descendants of John Mainwaring
(Sapp family). These families are all related to the Taylor family
through ether the , Hancock, Peacock, Lindsey or Holloway families.

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Parts of this web site produced 17 Oct 1999 by
Personal Ancestral File, a product of
The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.
updated 28 March 2025
1999 - 2010 by John R. Taylor